Walk of Shame Reseña Libros a montones



Pampered heiress Georgianna Watkins has a party-girl image to maintain, but all the shopping and clubbing is starting to feel a little bit hollow—and a whole lot lonely. Though Georgie would never admit it, the highlights of her week are the mornings when she comes home at the same time as her uptight, workaholic neighbor is leaving to hit the gym and put in a long day at the office. Teasing him is the most fun Georgie’s had in years—and the fuel for all her naughtiest daydreams.

Celebrity divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney doesn’t have much time for women, especially spoiled tabloid princesses who spend more time on Page Six than at an actual job. Although Georgie’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also everything Andrew resents: the type of girl who inherited her penthouse instead of earning it. But after Andrew caps one of their predawn sparring sessions with a surprise kiss—a kiss that’s caught on camera—all of Manhattan is gossiping about whether they’re a real couple. And nobody’s more surprised than Andrew to find that the answer just might be yes.


“Pam said you had a girl. A cute one. Cooked you dinner and fucked it up.”
Andrew smiled a little at the memory. It had felt so damn right to walk into his apartment and see her there. Even more so that she was talking to a member of his family. Loved that she’d disappeared to let him have his conversation, and that when he’d called her an hour later ready with an apology, he hadn’t needed one.
Because that’s who Georgie was. Good. Understanding. Easy to get along with. Forgiving.
But even she had her limits.


¡¡¡Walk of Shame me ha encantado!!!

La verdad es que cuando empecé a leer el libro y me presentaron a una protagonista que vive a costa de la herencia de su abuela y la fama de sus padres… digamos que me entraron las dudas sobre si realmente sería capaz de acabar la novela o si la personalidad de Jorgie me irritaría tanto que acabaría por dejarlo a medias.

Resulta que estaba equivocada. Si bien es cierto que Gorgie vive acomodadamente sin mover un dedo, no representa para nada la típica niña mimada y estúpida que pensaba que sería. Al contrario, la protagonista es dulce y cariñosa, personalidad que contrasta enormemente con la de Andrew, un abogado un tanto antisocial y adicto al trabajo que vive en el mismo bloque de piso que Jorgie.

Es por estas diferencias que los dos parecen aborrecerse, lanzándose pullas el uno al otro cada vez que se encuentran en la entrada del bloque a las cinco de la mañana (cuando Andrew se va a trabajar y Jorgie vuelve de alguna fiesta). Pero entonces… ¿por qué se molestan cuando el otro no se presenta al encuentro?

Es un libro fácil, con un romance dulce y divertido, algunas escenas subiditas de tono aquí y allá y un pelín de drama para darle más emoción a todo el asunto. Recomendado 100% si estas de humor para una trama ligera con un romance divertido.

¡Feliz lectura!




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